Factors to Consider in a PPI Bone Fractures Lawsuit

Patients who were prescribed one of the many acid-reducing drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for the treatment of heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome may be eligible to file a PPI bone fracture lawsuit if they suffered a fracture of the hip, wrist, or spine.

Proton Pump Inhibitor Bone Fractures

Proton pump inhibitors work by blocking the enzyme in the stomach that produces acid. This reduces the overall level of stomach acid, preventing ulcers, lowering the frequency of heartburn, and allowing the esophagus to heal.

Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, Protonix, Dexilant, and Zegarid are all proton pump inhibitors. Though all are similar in how they reduce stomach acid, they do differ in how they are broken down in the liver, what other medications they may interact with, and how long their effects last.

Proton pump inhibitor side effects include headache, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, and rash. In May 2010, the FDA released a drug safety communication alerting physicians and the public to the fact that these drugs may also increase the risk of proton pump inhibitor bone fractures.

The FDA Warns of Proton Pump Inhibitor Bone Fractures

Patients who were prescribed PPI drugs like Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Nexium, Aciphex, Dexilant, and Zegarid have gone on to file a PPI bone fracture lawsuit, particularly after the release of the FDA safety communication. These patients may have remained unaware of the connection until the FDA warning.

According to the FDA’s review of seven published epidemiological studies, the use of PPI drugs may be associated with an increased risk of proton pump inhibitor bone fractures. Six of the seven studies reported an increased risk, which was primarily observed in older individuals and/or in those who had used the drugs for more than a year.

A PPI Lawyer Can Help Determine Eligibility for a PPI Bone Fracture Lawsuit

People who took a PPI and then suffered from proton pump inhibitor bone fractures may be eligible for a PPI bone fracture lawsuit. Medical records of the original prescription, receipts from prescriptions filled, and an official diagnosis of the fracture(s) may be necessary to proceed with a PPI bone fracture lawsuit.

If you or a loved one has been injured by PPI drugs like Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Nexium, Aciphex, Dexilant, and Zegarid and have suffered from proton pump inhibitor bone fractures, contact Chaffin Luhana LLP today for a confidential case evaluation at 1-888-480-1123.