Prescription Drug Negligence 

According to the Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics (Data Brief Number 42), more than 48 percent of Americans took at least one prescription medication, and over 31 percent took two or more prescription drugs in 2008. While we trust our medical professionals “ including pharmacists “ to prescribe us the proper type and amount of safe medications that will treat a particular ailment or condition, at times, they can fail to accurately diagnose a condition, fail to fully consider patients’ medical histories, provide the wrong directions for taking a drug, or commit other acts of negligence that causes them to administer or prescribe dangerous types or amounts of prescription medications.

In other cases, prescription drug negligence can start with the manufacturer of the medication when serious side effects of the drug are not publicized, the benefits of the medication are overstated, or when drugs are contaminated with unsafe ingredients.

Approximately 1.5 million people in the U.S. were victimized by prescription drug errors in 2006, according to the Institute of Medicine of National Academics (IMNA), and more than 80 percent of these instances were preventable.

Medications Associated with Prescription Drug Negligence

Some of medications that have been the subject of prescription drug negligence claims include (but are not limited to):

Compensation for Prescription Drug Negligence

Those who suspect that they have been injured or have lost a loved one due to prescription drug negligence are encouraged to receive a free, professional, comprehensive assessment of their case by attending a complimentary initial consultation with a skilled malpractice lawyer. Victims may have a compelling case against negligent parties, and may be able to secure compensation for their medical bills, permanent disabilities, lost wages, pain, and suffering with the help of a lawyer.

At Chaffin Luhana, our medical malpractice attorneys are committed to ardently advocating victims’ rights, and have experience aggressively litigating drug negligence cases in a variety of legal proceedings, including mediation, arbitration, and jury trials. If you or a loved one believe you have been affected by a malpractice-related injury, you should contact Chaffin Luhana’s medical malpractice lawyers immediately for a free and confidential case review.

You may be entitled to financial compensation, and Chaffin Luhana may be able to help you recover. Call our toll free number today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation: 1-888-480-1123.